iOS 16 is released, these are the top 10 features I like

Atharva Pandey
8 min readJun 10, 2022


Image Source: Tom’s Guide

iOS 16 is the software that the next iPhone, model 14, will be available with

So these are my top 10 new features -

Wallpapers in real time

You still can’t get full movement. video wallpapers like you can on android but, you do not get wallpapers animate as you transition between the lock screen and the home screen are It’s pretty much a one to-one of a feature that Xiaomi has had for many years, but nonetheless, it adds a much-needed touch of the resurrection of the iPhone and that brings me on to number nine.

New Wallpaper Gallery

Image Source: MacRumors

So, you know how If you want to discover something new right now, wallpapers almost all of the time the only option is to log onto the app store and download one of those for free. Wallpaper apps that display advertisements Every single time you click a button, Well, Apple is now trying to bring this feature internally, so now when you go to choose a new wallpaper for your phone.

Both are new It thinks you’ll like these wallpapers and also photos you’ve already taken that it thinks is a good fit. Oh yeah In addition, I enjoy this because I get bored on my home screen easily. I can now set it to shuffle so every single time you check your iPhone’s lock. A new wallpaper has appeared on the screen automatically applied


Image Source: 9TO5 Mac
Image Source: 9To5 Mac

Simple improvement, but one that will, this probably affects quite a lot of people. You can now edit messages after you’ve sent them in case, let’s say you spell a wrong word. Messages can be deleted, and you can also mark a message thread as unread.But this is where it gets juicy because It is more important than wallpapers and Messages are how iOS 16 manages to improve the general intelligence of. So you might know that right now. When you take a photo on an iphone, You can interact with the text in that photo. However, with the new iOS, you can also pause any video while interacting with the text

Within any frame, you’ve got a new quick actions in the camera that allow you for currency conversion and text translation in real-time plus, I think this is even cooler a feature called “visual lookup.” It lets you touch and hold the subject of a let’s say your dog and then instantly, it can strip out the subject.

Separating it from the background to be capable of pasting that topic into other finally, let’s say messages and finally


Image Source: Cult Of Mac

Is now more intelligent when If you’re using speech to text on your iphone It’ll now automatically add in punctuation and, in some cases, emojis. Okay, let’s talk about sharing because I really get the impression that sharing, this is the thing that Apple is trying to double down on right now, so first up is Photo sharing, which is trying to addressing the very real problem of each a member of a family or a group of friends they have their own set of photos that

they’ve taken it but never the full set of, so everyone’s taken so many photos. It now creates a shared icloud photo a library with up to five people and you. You can set the rules that dictate what gets for example, shared to that folder, at the location that a photo was taken in or who is in that photograph, and even, Within the camera app, you now have an the option to shoot photos directly to a It’s a shared iCloud library.’s very convenient, but I do also feel like, there’s a high likelihood of accidentally disclosing something you I did not want to share. Sharing is not always caring. There is a lot more emphasis on sharing.

Better SharePlay

Image Source: Archyde

Things through the messaging app, so for example, share your ability to play the to watch movies or go on apps together. At the same time with your friends, You can now jump into shareplay apps, directly from messages. Oh yeah, and as well as ways to extend the amount that. You know, Apple is also trying to allow. You can reduce the amount with something.

Safety check

Image Source: 9TO5 Mac

Which It is for sufferers of abusive to truly understand stop sharing your location as soon as possible. capable of resetting your privacy settings, also, to sign out of icloud and Apple messages on all your devices, except the The one you’re using this is very smart.

Apple Pay

Now, one new thing coming is that you’re we are very soon going to be able to tap two iphones all together and only with that transfer money from one user to another. user That’s pretty cool already, but then something that I think is absolutely enormous. This is a feature that they’re calling Apple Pay later. It basically lets you know when, You’re about to buy a product using Using Apple Pay to split that payment up into. There is no interest in four separate chunks and no fees, so at the point where you’re. When buying something, Apple pays the full amount of that purchase to the company and then over the course of the next six takes back that amount bit by bit. From your account, it’s almost like Apple’s becoming a bank!

You can kind of tell that the end the goal here is what Apple’s trying to achieve in order to effectively replace your as an example, right now. They’re working with various states and to make your own Apple wallet holds your driving licence plus your keys. Your Apple wallet can now hold your Hotel keys, office keys, and house keys similar to a physical key

That you could, you know, remove from your and hand it over to someone else. You can now just send someone one of your Virtual keys through Apple messages can you imagine if you sent them to the However, the contact was incorrect.

Apple maps

Image Source: 9TO5 Mac

Are also kind of exciting now, just to give you a little a bit of context I’m pretty much mostly a Google maps user, I quite like how it’s It’s not focused on being, ultimately streamlined and instead just focused on As many options as possible but, there is plenty of new material on the way I have some apple maps that I’d like to share with you. Another go, there’s an upgraded 3D view which highlights buildings with better elevation and improved detail. To be fair to the demos, they showed us This all looks insane with even a different aesthetic, depending on whether your phone is in light or dark mode but, I think I do need to see how it works looks more normal on a daily basis.

To come to a conclusion in rural scenarios But there’s more. You can now plan a route with up to 15 different stops in In advance you can plan that route on your Mac and then send it straight to your iPhione which is actually something that I would use it to save me a couple of minutes that it takes to re-enter it on my phone, plus you can also see the fare and actually make the payment those of any public transportation within the Apple Maps application

One of the things that I’m most excited about

iOS 16 Notifications

Image Source: MacRumors

Notifications and I think the key thing what it’s trying to do is reduce that feeling of spam, so for starters, notifications Now come up from the bottom of your lock screen instead of near the top, but then I also imagine I’m not the only one who I have a couple of apps that try to ping me. You get like 10 different times per day. If you use sports apps, you will notice this a lot.

They’ll give you a new notification. Literally, anytime, even the most minor Things happen, so IOS 16 separates them. It puts these activity-based notifications into a distinct live stream activities section, it makes them more It is compact and it allows you to set them so, That way, they don’t bug you in the same way notifications that are truly necessary I would say that your attention needs to the most significant change in iOS 16.

Proper lock screen

Image Source: Wired

Hold down the button, on your screen and it takes you to the editor mode It’s very apple-y experience like it’s definitely somewhat control, like you can’t change the and you’re still here. You can’t move around the camera icon or the but in the traditional Apple style, it allows for customization very easily, as in with a single swipe change the colour filter applied to the wallpaper, you can change the text font. You can change the text colour and then Even if you don’t love the automatic settings, that apple’s chosen for you, you can tap on any single element to have a play around with your phone. Discover the numerous different layers within a portrait mode shot that you’ve and sandwiched the clock between There’s a new look to music with Better album art plus, Apple introduced widgets in iOS 14. widgets on the home screen and now in. On iOS 16, you get widgets on the lock screen, and they’re not just the same. Repurposed widgets they’re brand new and They’re custom made to fit better and also, you can now have one lock screen. for when you’re at work with your work. Notifications on your work wallpaper and your work widgets and then, with one, You can access your personal information with a swipe. A lot of these features are not new. To smartphones, but the fact that they’ve This has been made simple here, which means I believe, A lot more people are about to start using it.

My Favourite Concept video

Check this out!

It’s the end of the article now I hope you liked it It is the biggest article I’ve written as of 10/06/2022 If you lke this article a clap would be very helpful!



Atharva Pandey
Atharva Pandey

Written by Atharva Pandey

I am a 14-year-old Programmer (Python, Front End), Blogger, Kid, Student, Brother and a son.

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